North of Salt Lake
Golden Spike National Historic Site ()
Promontory ()
Brigham City and the Bear River Refuge ()
Logan ()
Northern Wasatch and Bear River Ranges ()
Ogden ()
Salt Lake City
The Great Salt Lake ()
Temple Square, East ()
Downtown Salt Lake City ()
Downtown Salt Lake City ()
Emigration Canyon ()
Provo ()
Wasatch Range
Park City ()
Timpanogos Cave National Monument ()
Manti ()
Helper ()
Fremont Indian State Park ()
Uinta Range and Flaming Gorge
The Mirror Lake Scenic Byway ()
Northern Uinta Mountains ()
Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area ()
McConkie Ranch Petroglyph Site ()
Dinosaur National Monument
Vernal ()
The Dinosaur Quarry ()
Split Mountain on the Green River ()
Cub Creek and the Josie Morris Cabin ()
Western Deserts of Utah
Highway 50 in Western Utah ()
Delta ()