Columbia River East of the Gorge
Umatilla on the Columbia River ()
Pendleton ()
Blue Mountains and Wallowa Mountains
Blue Mountains ()
Grande Ronde River ()
Joseph and the Wallowa Valley ()
Wallowa Lake ()
Wallowa Mountains ()
Sumpter on the Powder River ()
Oregon Trail Center ()
Hells Canyon
West Rim Hells Canyon ()
Bottom of Hells Canyon ()
Snake River Above Hells Canyon ()
John Day River
Lower John Day River ()
John Day Fossil Beds - Painted Hills ()
John Day Fossil Beds - Sheep Rock ()
Upper John Day River ()
Smith Rock State Park ()
Shaniko ()
Sisters ()
Bend ()
Newberry Volcanic Monument ()
Klamath River and Lake
Fort Klamath ()
Upper Klamath Lake ()
City of Klamath Falls ()
Southeastern Deserts of Oregon
Highway 395 in eastern Oregon ()
Harney Basin ()
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge ()
West of Steens Mountain ()
Steens Mountain ()
Lake County ()
Owyhee River ()